NNBC 2024-2025 Programme
Unless informed otherwise all the meetings are in Bamburgh Pavilion starting at 7.30pm
Visitors are welcome and the fee is £2 per person.
SEPTEMBER 13th Alan Yeomans The wildlife of Costa Rica
OCTOBER 11th Graham Sorrie A year in the life of a Morpeth Swift
NOVEMBER 8th Harold Robson AGM & Return of the Red Kite
DECEMBER 13th Tom Cadwallender Tanagers to Tinamous – Columbian wildlife
JANUARY 10th Tim Dean Northumberland’s Birds
FEBRUARY 14th Muriel and Tom Cadwallender The BTO & BTO Surveys
MARCH 14th: George Smith The Peregrine Project
APRIL 11th: Chris Redfern To Antarctica and Back with Arctic Terns
MAY 9th: Phil Hanmer Peth and Western Australia
JUNE 13th Dr Colin Bradshaw Balkan Birding